In this paper:26岁的扎勒娜是哈萨克斯坦共和国欧亚大学的一名汉语老师。今年7月,她拿到了北京外国语大学对外汉语专业的研究生学位,随后回国任教。在哈萨克斯坦,中国与俄罗斯、韩国、马来...

Zena, 26, is a Chinese teacher at Eurasia university in the republic of kazakhstan. In July, she received a graduate degree in Chinese from Beijing foreign studies university and returned to teach. In kazakhstan, China and Russia, South Korea, Malaysia, Italy, and as a study in the five countries of the most popular, as China become the biggest trading nation, kazakhstan kazakh people more and more willing to learn Chinese.
This young country, independent of 1991, has been developing rapidly for 23 years. Kazakhstan, in 1991, was overshadowed by the collapse of the Soviet union. Industrial production fell by 50%, agricultural production shrank by a third, transport logistics fell by two-thirds, lending rates were more than 400%, and fewer than 20m people in the country were left. In addition, more than 130 nationalities coexist and 1,400 nuclear warheads are waiting to be processed.
At the age of three, she lived in a rural village south of astana, playing with her mother's shuttle machine. Today, she is wearing a mink coat in and out of the government office, where she works as a simultaneous interpreter for prime minister masimov. She is a generation that follows the footsteps of this young country and represents the spirit and temperament of this country. In the eyes of President nazarbayev, they are the hope of kazakhstan. "Our generation has built an independent kazakhstan and paved the way for your future development. We are creating more jobs, and we are building businesses and industrial projects to raise incomes for your parents. All of these are for your future happiness. You are a happy generation.
She also felt that she was a happy generation, and that she could actually feel the increase in happiness.
Accommodation brings hope.
In 1997, kazakhstan's President, nazarbayev, ordered the capital to be moved from the balmy almaty in the south to astana, with an average winter temperature of minus 17 degrees. Many years later, Mr Nazarbayev was admired for his efforts, and even his own. Opponents had to admire Mr Nazarbayev's foresight. "He's always thinking about the future, always thinking about the future, not as short-sighted as the other central Asian leaders." "Said a researcher from the institute of central Asian studies at the academy of social sciences. Mr Nazarbayev's forward-looking performance was in 1997, when he proposed the kazakhstan 2030 national strategy. In 2012, he launched the kazakhstan 2050 national strategy.
The move was a long one, until the kazakh institute of strategic studies moved from almaty to astana this summer. The government department, which finally completed the move, meant that it took 23 years for kazakhstan to complete the move. For ordinary people, the new capital has brought hope to the people of the central region. A large number of rural people in central and central parts of the country moved to astana after the President ordered them to move, hoping to find more opportunities and a better life there.
It was in that year that her parents brought her and her brother to astana.
The job is not easy to find, but they can still live much better than in the countryside. Zarina entered the only kazakh school in astana at the time. In the early days of astana, ethnic russians accounted for 70 percent of the total population, and they had separate schools with the kazaks.
"Because faith is different, they like to eat pig lung, we can't accept it." There are few Russian figures in her circle of friends. In the streets, zena can accurately identify kazakh and ethnic russians, even though many kazakhs also have high noses, blue eyes and yellow hair. Ha and Russia race's estrangement from the Soviet era, with the collapse of the Soviet union, kazakhstan's independence, the dominant ethnic russians into an ethnic minority, the kazakh people to become the ruler of the country. Russian, once the official language, slowly became a second language after nazarbayev took power, and now kazakh is the official language of the country.
Study in China
Zarena says she is fully fluent in kazakh and understands more than 95 percent of Russian literature and Russian history. The reason she chose to study Chinese was to get a scholarship from the Chinese government for free postgraduate study.
In kazakhstan, Mr Nazarbayev sees it as important. Since independence, Mr Nazarbayev has introduced a series of free education policies. The basic education of the primary school to middle school for 11 years is free for all, which makes the population of 5 to 24 years old in kazakhstan to be 99% of the rate of education, and there is basically no illiteracy in the country.
In 2007, she studied international relations at Eurasia university. In the largest comprehensive university in kazakhstan, there are more than 12,000 students, about 30% of whom can get scholarships and complete four years of free education.
She was two points shy of a scholarship and needed to pay $4, 000 a year.
"The tuition was very expensive, but my parents insisted on me reading. So if I'm a graduate student, I can't spend my family's money." After graduating from university, she chose to study in China. The Chinese government scholarship she applied for was able to fully cover the costs of her time in China. "I wanted to continue to study international relations, or the economy, but the Chinese government has very little support for these majors, and most of the programs for scholarships are language classes."
In kazakhstan, all foreign students can join a state-funded project called future plans. The project aims to provide full funding for all students who are able to go abroad. She did not join the "plan of the future" because it required all students to return home to work for their country after completing their studies. "I wanted to stay in China and didn't know the air was so bad in Beijing." "Said zarena.
In September 2011, she came to Beijing, and for the next three years, she studied Chinese. Now, she is able to use words like "cow force", "your master" and "don't leave the house". She also knows that there are two opposite meanings in different contexts.
When she was in graduate school, she worked part-time as a Russian translator in a Beijing publishing house. She liked the job. The translation allows her to show the best in Chinese in the Russian or kazakh world. "I have a dream to translate the Chinese TV series" wenzhou family "into kazakh or Russian and introduce kazakhstan, which is a big shock to our overseas students." The TV series, broadcast on China central television in 2012, tells the story of a farmer in wenzhou in the 1980s, who was uprooted from his hometown and worked hard across Europe. Zarena says it is very similar to the fact that kazakh students are studying abroad and looking for future real life.
After a year of freelance translation, she had a chance to stay at the publishing house with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan. "I don't think this money will support my life." She contacted the embassy of kazakhstan in China, where she worked as an intern and hoped to enter the foreign ministry and relocate to China after graduation. "But it's very difficult. The foreign ministry has very little recruitment, and it has to pass the law exam, and then it starts with the lowest level secretary. It is very difficult." On the eve of her graduation, she also contacted the kazakhstan export and investment bureau's Beijing office and failed to be hired.
Look for the visible future.
In July, after graduating from graduate school, she failed to find a suitable job in Beijing and chose to return home. In astana, she was hired as a Chinese teacher at Eurasia university, earning $700 a month. She was not satisfied, "too little pay and no future."
The university teacher's job is good for her parents, who want her to find a boyfriend as soon as possible and then marry. Her younger brother is married, and for kazakh girls, age 26 is not a big deal. She wanted to go to Europe or the United States to read her PhD, but she assured her parents that she would marry first and then read with her husband, not now.
In kazakhstan, after marriage, a woman needs to change her husband's surname, and she doesn't want to change her name, which she says is something she can discuss with her husband. After working, she was so busy that she had little time to herself. She was in charge of teaching Chinese in the whole teaching and research office on weekdays, and she was invited to do translation when she met the Chinese guests. On weekends she needs to help her mother with the housework. "In our country, the division of labor is very clear, and women have to cook and do the laundry, which is what we should do." She said she could not imagine that one day she told her husband that I would not cook today. "It's not acceptable unless you're sick."
But she still prides herself on being a woman. At the gate of the mosque in astana hazare, she wrapped her hair in a scarf, took off her shoes and went quietly into the mosque. In kazakhstan, women who believe in Islam do not need a veil. "The kazakhs have their own traditions, and it is not our tradition to cover a woman's face. We are not going to go back to the middle ages because we are muslims, we are fighting for the future of all muslims. President nazarbayev said in a speech to his countrymen.
She is a devout Muslim, and she goes to a mosque every Friday, a rarity among her peers. As devout as the faith, it was zarena's love for her country. In China, have boys courted, Tina, she said "I can't find her husband in other countries, the people of our country is inherently less, if marry foreigners, the kazakhstan's future?" Her former idol was kazakhstan's former prime minister, akhmetov, who was detained half a month ago on suspicion of corruption. Now, zarina's idol has become the speaker of kazakhstan's upper house, tokayev, a veteran Chinese diplomat who has studied Chinese at the Beijing language institute.
The most admired, of course, is President nazarbayev. The President, who has been in power for 23 years, has succeeded in rapidly expanding his country, and has made it possible for the young people of her generation to feel better and better. In 1993, kazakhstan's per capita GDP was just $700, and in 2013 it was over $13,000. In kazakhstan, nominal wages have risen 45 times in nominal terms, and pensions have risen sixfold in the past decade. These tangible changes have given Mr Nazarbayev a strong civil support, and Mr Nazarbayev has won no less than 90 per cent of the four presidential elections since 1991.
She said she could not imagine what kind of leader would lead the country if Mr. Nazarbayev stepped down. "Fortunately, he has formulated the 2030 strategy and the 2050 strategy, and he has set the direction for the future of the country. Even so, I hope he will be in office for a few more years and I will not hesitate to vote for him. A friend of zarina's, said an official from the kazakh foreign ministry.
In addition to the country's future, she worries about her future job. She signed a one-year contract with Eurasia university, and she needed a new job before the end of the contract. Foreign ministry, national security agency, strategic investment company, kazakhstan central television... These departments and units let her heart, she continued to pay attention to the recruitment information, and keep sending out resumes. "For me now, the first consideration is salary, and then consider whether to deal with Chinese. I hope to find a job where I can see the future.
"Will you come to Beijing again?"
"Must be"
In the temperature of minus 25, she was wearing a mink coat she had bought from Beijing. The dress cost her a month and a half, and that money, she had planned to travel to South Korea. In kazakhstan, it is very important to wear clothes. "You are what you wear." She says she likes the casual way the Chinese dress, but she still gives up on a trip to South Korea and buys a nice dress.
On December 1st, kazakhstan's first President's day, it was the first time in three years that she had spent the holiday in astana. She met the President in front of the cold opera house, and was moved by the President's speech as a generation growing up with independent kazakhstan:
"Independent kazakhstan will do everything it can to help our young people -- children.
Kindergartens, schools, stadiums, is for you, only to let your healthy growth, with a good education, become a real citizen of kazakhstan, better for the construction of our country.
You are a happy generation, because you were born and raised in an independent kazakhstan, a country that is respected all over the world. I sincerely wish you happiness and wish all your wishes come true in the coming New Year. The fairy tale will become a reality and always be happy!
She believed in the President's words, and her brother told her that if she insisted, she could find the future she could see.
“因为信仰不一样,他们喜欢吃猪肺,我们接受不了。” 扎勒娜的朋友圈里几乎没有俄罗斯族的身影。在街上,扎勒娜能够准确地分辨出哈萨克族与俄罗斯族,即便许多哈萨克族也是高鼻梁、蓝眼睛、黄头发。哈俄两族的隔阂自苏联时期就存在,随着苏联解体,哈萨克斯坦独立,原本占优势的俄罗斯族成为少数民族,哈萨克人成为这个国家的统治者。曾经作为官方语言的俄语,在纳扎尔巴耶夫执政后,慢慢变为第二语言,目前,哈萨克语成为全国的官方语言。