In this paper:俄罗斯卫星网7月28日援引《印度时报》的报道称,那些已在中国高校获得学士学位并希望获得实际经验的大学生将有打工的可能。 中国的金融中心上海已经向毕业于交通大学的印度尼西...
Students who have received a bachelor's degree in Chinese universities and want to gain practical experience will have a chance to work, the Russian satellite network reported on July 28, citing The Times of India.
Shanghai, China's financial center, has issued its first permit for a two-year internship in the Shanghai free trade zone with Indonesian university students who graduated from jiaotong university. He is also studying until he has a master's degree in marketing management. In the future, foreign students from other universities in China will also have such internship opportunities. Of course, it is for those who have not interrupted their studies. Some of them want to work long term, especially in high-tech and innovative areas. Shanghai, as a cosmopolitan city, is like a magnet that attracts excellent intellectual workers both at home and abroad. China used to hire senior experts with years of experience abroad. Now talented foreigners can find them at local universities and create conditions for them to use their talents.
The reality is this: China's legal provisions are not good, but the reality is ok. Many foreign students who come to study in China use their spare time to work, such as translation, waiters, and company employees. The relevant government departments do not stop them.