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How to learn Chinese (putonghua)如何学习汉语(普通话)

Author: Time:2018-01-23 12:38 Source:未知
In this paper:方法 一 : 打好基础 提升你的语言技巧 把你自己沉浸于汉语语境中 你身边有没有外国友人想要学习汉语?要知道,学习汉语是一件相当复杂的事情,这对说英语的人来说,更是如此。然...

Method 1: play a good foundation to improve your language skills and immerse yourself in the Chinese context.
Do you have any foreign friends who want to learn Chinese? You know, learning Chinese is a very complicated thing, especially for English speaking people. However, it is possible to succeed in mastering Chinese as long as you have the determination and practice every day. If your friend to you for advice on learning Chinese, you can let him through the practice of Chinese textbooks, can also be found in large Numbers or online through friends and speak Chinese Chinese school to continue to practice. In order to have a basic concept of the most important thing in learning Chinese, keep reading this guide!
Practice using four tones in Chinese. Chinese is a tonal language, which means different tones, meaning different words, although their pronunciation and spelling are the same. If you want to speak Chinese correctly, learning these different tones is a basic requirement. There are four tones in Chinese:
"One" is flat. When you do this, your voice is flat, it doesn't sound, it doesn't go up, it doesn't go down. We take ma as an example, and we can indicate by using the symbol above the letter.
"Two tones" is a rising tone. In this tone, your voice rises from the bass to the middle, as if you were asking someone to repeat what he said, "huh?" "Or" what? The same. The second is represented by the sign ma.
"Three sounds" is a turning point. In this tone, the tone is quickly lowered and then raised, as if you were speaking the letter B. When two three-sound syllables appear next to each other, the first sound is still three, and the next one is four. Three sounds are represented by the symbol m.
"Four tones" is the last sound. In this tone, the tone drops from high to low. Just like you're issuing a command, like "dismiss!" Or, as you read a book when you find something new and interesting: "ha!" The four tones are represented by the symbol ma.
Is that easy? If you don't feel that way, don't worry. We strongly recommend that you listen to the tones of native speakers of Chinese, because, simply by reading the textbook, it's hard to imagine what the tone sounds like.
Memorize simple words. No matter what language you learn, the more words you have, the more fluent you will be. Therefore, the next thing to do is to memorize some useful words.
Some good vocabulary includes the following contents: by the start of the time of day (morning: z m: oshang, afternoon: xiaw incarnation, evening: w m: nshang) body parts (head: tou, foot: ji m: o, hand: sh ǒ u) food (niurou beef, chicken, j, and eggs: j and Dan, noodles: miantiao) and color, week, month, transportation, weather, and so on.
When you hear an English word, think about it in Chinese. If you don't know how to say it, write it down and look it up in the dictionary. For this, you can carry a small notebook with you, which is very convenient. Stick Chinese labels (Chinese characters, pinyin and pronunciation) to objects in your room, such as mirrors, coffee tables and sugar cans. You will see these words so often that you will unconsciously master them.
Although vocabulary is good, remember that accuracy is more important in Chinese. If you can't pronounce a word correctly, it's no use learning it because different sounds can mean completely different things. For example, the difference between pronunciation errors (" ma "read" m ") is the same as saying "I want a cake" and "I want coke" -- two very different meanings.
Learn how to count. Chinese has no alphabet, which increases the difficulty of learning it in the west. Fortunately, the Chinese digital system is fairly straightforward, quite logical, and once you learn the first ten Numbers, you can count to 99.
Below, you will see the number of simplified Chinese characters one to ten, followed by Chinese pinyin and correct pronunciation. When practicing pronunciation, make sure you use the correct tone.
1: writing (1) or "y", read as [eee]
2. Writing (2) or er, read as [arr]
(3) writing (3) or (s)
Iv. Writing (4) or si, read as [ssuh]
5: writing (5) or "w", read as "woo"
6. Writing (6) or liu, reading [liou]
Seven: writing (7) or "q", read "chi"
8: writing (8) or "b", read as [bah]
9: writing (9) or ji ()
Ten: writing (ten) or shi, reading as [sher]
Once you have the number one to ten, then you can continue to count the Numbers in the double digits, by reading the digits in the ten digits, then sending a shi, and then reading the digits in the ones place. Such as:
"Four times ten and eight" is the literal meaning of the word "si shi b". The number 30 is 30. The literal meaning is "three times ten". Number 19 YiShiJiu writing, literally means "a multiplied by ten and nine" (for most Chinese, however, the number 10-20, the initial y and is omitted, because it is redundant.)
The word 100 is written in Chinese (100) or ba (ba), so 100 writing y will be able to go, 200 writing er ba, 300 writing s, and so on, and so on.
4Learn some basic conversational phrases. Once you have a basic grasp of vocabulary and pronunciation, you can continue to learn basic conversational phrases that can be used in everyday Chinese conversation.
I'm going to meet you at the same time.
What 's your name? = nin GUI xing, read as neen gway shing
Yes = shi, read [sher]
No = bu shi, read as boo sher
Thank you = xie xie, read [sheh sheh]
You're welcome = bu yong xie, read boo yong sheh.
Excuse me = dui bu q.
I don't understand = w.
"Goodbye = zai jian"
  • “一声”是平调。发这个调时,你的声音平缓,听起来,既没有上升,也没有下降。我们以ma为例,我们可以通过使用字母上面的那个符号来指示一声:mā
  • “二声”是升调。发这个调时,你的声音从低音升到中音,就像你在请求某个人重复他的话时说的“嗯?”或者“啥?”一样。二声通过符号来表示。
  • “三声”是拐弯调。在发这个调时,声调迅速地先降低后升高,就像你在说字母B时的发音。当两个三声的音节相邻出现时,第一个音依然是三声,而接下来的那个音要发成四声。三声通过符号来表示。
  • “四声”是去声。在发这个调时,声调从高迅速地降为低。就像你在发出一个命令一样,比如“解散!”再或者,就像你在阅读一本书时发现了新奇有趣的事情时发出的声音:“哈!”四声通过符号来表示。
  • 这些还算简单吧?如果你感觉不是这样的话,不要着急。我们强烈推荐你去听母语是汉语的人发音时的声调,因为,单纯地通过阅读教科书,你是很难想象声调听起来是什么样的。
  • 一些好的词汇表开始的时候包括以下内容:一天中的时段(早上:zǎoshàng,下午:xiàwǔ,晚上:wǎnshàng)肢体部分(头:tóu,脚:jiǎo,手:shǒu)食物(牛肉niúròu,鸡:,鸡蛋:jīdàn,面条:miàntiáo)还有颜色,星期,月份,交通工具,天气等等。
  • 当你听到一个英语词汇的时候,想一下这个词用汉语怎么说。如果你不知道怎么说,把它记下来,之后在字典上查一下。为此,你可以随身携带一个小的笔记本,这是很方便的。在你房间里面的物体上贴上汉语标签(汉字,拼音和发音),比如镜子,咖啡桌和糖罐。你会如此经常地看到这些词,以至于你会在不知不觉中掌握它们。
  • 尽管词汇量大是好的,但是要牢记,就汉语而言,准确性更重要。如果你不能够对某个词进行正确的发音,那么学习它是没有用的,因为不同的发音可能表示着完全不同的意思。比如,发音错误(将“má”读成“mā”)所带来的区别,就像说“我想要蛋糕”和“我想要可乐”的区别一样——两个截然不同的意思。
  • 下面,你会看到简体汉字的数字一到数字十,它们之后是汉语拼音以及正确的发音。在练习发音的时候,你要确保自己使用了正确的声调。
    • 一:写作(一)或,读作[eee]
    • 二:写作(二)或èr,读作[arr]
    • 三:写作(三)或sān,读作[sahn]
    • 四:写作(四)或,读作[ssuh]
    • 五:写作(五)或,读作[woo]
    • 六:写作(六)或liù,读作[liou]
    • 七:写作(七)或,读作[chi]
    • 八:写作(八)或,读作[bah]
    • 九:写作(九)或jiǔ,读作[jeou]
    • 十:写作(十)或shí,读作[sher]
  • 一旦你掌握了数字一到十,那么,你就能够继续数两位数的数字,方法是:读出十位数上的数字,然后发shi音,然后读出个位上的数字。比如:
  • 数字48写作sì shí bā,字面上的意义是:"四乘以十再加上八"。数字30写作三十,字面上的意义是"三乘以十"。数字19写作一十九,字面上的意思是"一乘以十加上九"(然而,对大部分汉语而言,数字10-20中,最初的是被省略的,因为它是多余的。)
  • 单词百在汉语中写作(百)或baǐ,因此,100写作yī baǐ,200写作èr baǐ,300写作sān baǐ,以此类推。
  • Hello = nǐhǎo,读作 [nee how]
  • What's your name? = nín guì xìng, 读作 [neen gway shing]
  • Yes = shì, 读作 [sher]
  • No = bú shì, 读作 [boo sher]
  • Thank you = xiè xiè,读作 [sheh sheh]
  • You're welcome = bú yòng xiè, 读作 [boo yong sheh]
  • Excuse me = duì bu qǐ,读作 [dway boo chee]
  • I don't understand = wǒ tīng bù dǒng, 读作 [wore ting boo dong]
  • Goodbye = zài jiàn, 读作 [zi gee’en]

 Method 2: improve your language skills.
Learn basic grammar. People often think that Chinese has no grammar, which is wrong. Chinese grammar does exist, except that it is very different from the grammar in European or other language systems. Unlike these languages, Chinese is a highly analytical language, which is both good and bad news for language learners.
For example, there are no complicated rules in the aspects of collocation, consistency, gender, plural change or tenses. Most words contain only one syllable and then combine to form compound words. This makes the sentence structure fairly straightforward.
However, Chinese also has its own grammatical rules, which are not found in English or other European languages. For example, Chinese language use classification, topic highlighting, preference and other grammatical rules, these features are not found in English, so it is quite difficult for beginners to master these rules.
However, apart from these differences, Chinese does use the same word order as the English language, such as subject-predicate - bing, so it becomes easier to translate word by word. For example, in English, "he likes cats", which is translated directly into "t "(he)," "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
Learn how to use pinyin. Pinyin is a system that USES the Latin alphabet to write Chinese. Chinese pinyin is the most common form of latinization and is used in many textbooks and teaching materials.
Pinyin enables Chinese learners to focus on their pronunciation, while also allowing them to read and write without learning complex Chinese characters. Although pinyin USES the Latin alphabet, the pronunciation of pinyin is often not so intuitive for English speakers, which is why it is necessary to study pinyin carefully.
Phonetic alphabet, for example, "c" sounds like the word "bits" in the "ts" sound, pinyin letters "e" sounds like the word "hers", "er" sounds of the pronunciation of phonetic alphabet "q" is like the word "being" in the "ch" sound the same. Because of these differences, you need to learn the correct pronunciation of pinyin before using pinyin, which is the basic requirement.
Although the process of learning pinyin pronunciation look more pain, but this is extremely useful for you to learn Chinese, and relative to memorization traditional Chinese, learning pinyin pronunciation is much easier.
Practice reading and writing Chinese characters. The last obstacle to learning Chinese is to learn to read and write Chinese characters. This process can take quite a long time, even years, because the only way to learn Chinese characters is to memorize and practice.
According to the BBC, there are over 50,000 Chinese characters, most of which are rarely used. A Chinese person with a education can probably memorize 8, 000 Chinese characters, but if you want to be able to read a newspaper, you have about 2,000 words. [1]
When writing Chinese characters, you first need to learn about the radicals, which are like the most basic tile of every Chinese character. Some of them can be a single word, while others are used to compose more complex Chinese characters.
It is also important to write Chinese characters according to the correct stroke. You need to follow a set of specific rules of writing, from left to right, top to bottom, first and second.
You can buy Chinese characters, such as fields, letters, etc. These books can help you master the correct structure of Chinese characters. They are often designed for primary school students, but they are useful for every Chinese beginner.
A major advantage is that learning Chinese characters, it can help you understand cantonese, Japanese, Korean and other literature, this text, use a lot of traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese character, although their pronunciation and Chinese are not the same.
方法 2: 提升你的语言技巧
  • 比如,汉语在搭配、一致性、性别、复数变化或时态等方面,并不存在复杂的规则。大部分词汇只含有一个音节,然后经过联合组成复合词。这使得句子结构相当简单直白。
  • 然而,汉语也有它独特的语法规则,这在英语或别的欧洲语系中并没有发现。比如,汉语使用分级,主题突出,偏好等语法规则,这些特征并不见于英语中,因此,初学者想要掌握这些规则是相当困难的。
  • 然而,撇开这些区别不说,汉语的确使用同英语一样的语序,比如主-谓-宾,因此逐字翻译变得轻松了不少。比如,英语中"he likes cats",被直接翻译为"tā (he) xǐhuān (likes) māo (cats)。
  • 拼音使得学习汉语的人能够集中于它们的发音,与此同时,也能够使他们在不需要学习复杂汉字的情况下,进行阅读和写作。尽管拼音使用拉丁字母,但是,对于说英语的人来说,拼音字母的发音常常并不是那么直观,这也就是必须要认真学习拼音的原因。
  • 比如说,拼音字母"c"的发音就像单词"bits"中的"ts"音一样,拼音字母"e"的发音就像单词"hers"中的"er"音一样,拼音字母"q"的发音就像单词"cheap"中的"ch"音一样。由于这些区别的存在,你在使用拼音之前需要学习拼音的正确发音,这是基本的要求。
  • 虽然学习拼音发音的过程看起来比较痛苦,但是这对你学习汉语来说是极其有用的,而且,相对于识记繁体中文来说,学习拼音发音要容易得多。
  • 根据BBC的统计,世界上有超过50000个汉字,其中的大部分很少被使用。一个受过教育的中国人大概能识记8000个汉字,但是,要想能够阅读报纸的话,掌握其中大约2000个字就够了。[1]
  • 在书写汉字的时候,你首先需要学习偏旁部首,偏旁部首就像是每一个汉字的最基本的砖瓦。有些偏旁部首能够单独成为一个字,而其他的则被用来进行组合,构成更复杂的汉字。
  • 按照正确的笔顺书写汉字也是很重要的。你需要遵守一系列特定的书写规则,比如从左到右,从上到下,先中间后两边。
  • 你可以买像田字格,米字格等本子进行汉字书写,这些本子能够帮助你掌握汉字的正确结构。它们常常是为小学生设计的,但是对于每个汉字初学者来说,都是有用的。
  • 学习汉字的一个主要好处就是,它可以帮助你理解广东话,日语,韩语和别的文学,这些文字中,使用了大量的繁体中文或者简体中文,尽管它们的发音和汉语并不一样。
Method 3: immerse yourself in the Chinese context.
Find a native speaker of Chinese. One of the best ways to improve your new language skills is to talk to native speakers of the language. They can easily help you correct grammar or pronunciation errors, and can teach you a lot of idioms or slang that you can't learn in your textbooks.
If you have a Chinese speaker who is willing to help you, it's great! Alternatively, you can advertise in your local newspaper, network, or survey to see if there are any existing Chinese communication groups around you.
There might be Chinese restaurants along the road. If there are Chinese in there, go in and say hello to them in Chinese! You don't need to buy their food, and the fact that you're interested in their culture makes them happy.
If you can't find a native speaker nearby, you can try it on Skype. They may be willing to exchange 15 minutes of Chinese conversation for 15 minutes of English conversation.
You may consider taking a language course. If you need some extra motivation, or if you think you'll learn better in a more formal environment, try taking a Chinese course.
As more asians live in the United States, a number of volunteer programs have sprung up. These courses cost about $300 to $500 a year, including other fees. You can also try an online Chinese school.
Pay attention to Chinese language programs in local universities, schools, or community centers.
If you feel nervous about taking a Chinese course, you can take a friend along. In this way, you can have more fun during the break and have a partner who can practice speaking.
Watch Chinese movies and cartoons. Prepare some Chinese movie DVDS with subtitles or watch Chinese cartoons on the Internet. This is a simple and fun way to develop your sense of language.
If you feel motivated to learn Chinese, you can try to pause the movie and repeat what you just said in the movie. This will help you learn a pure Chinese accent.
If you can't buy a Chinese movie, you can try renting a movie from a rental shop. In these stores, there are often foreign language zones. Or, you can see if there is a Chinese movie in the local library, or if you can ask if they can retrieve some resources for you.
Listen to Chinese movies and radio. Listening to Chinese movies or radio is another great way to learn Chinese. You can feel yourself surrounded by Chinese. Although you can't fully understand what they're saying, you can try to grab the keywords to help you understand what they're saying.
Install a Chinese broadcast software on your phone so you can listen to it anytime and anywhere.
You can download some audio podcasts in Chinese and listen to them while doing exercises or writing assignments.
Consider a trip to China. After mastering the basic Chinese dialogue, you can consider traveling to mainland China or Taiwan. What a good way to learn Chinese!
Don't be too hard on yourself. Learning a language is a gradual process. Chinese is one of the most difficult languages to learn, so take your time.
Don't stop for a day or a few weeks because you don't have time to study. Otherwise, you will forget everything and start learning again.
You insist! If you think you've got enough, don't stop reviewing and learning, or you'll forget what you've learned. Just because you didn't learn Chinese at least four times a week, you need to relearn how frustrating it is!
In Chinese, the pronunciation and intonation is very important. Before you start learning new words, you need to take extra time to exercise your pitch. For example, for native speakers of English, "moo", "moo?" And "moo!" It doesn't sound very different, but in Chinese, they're actually three different, totally unrelated words.
Generally speaking, Chinese people are very proud of their culture and are willing to help others to learn Chinese. So don't be afraid to ask for help from native speakers or practice conversations with them.
Although there are different views on the latinization of Chinese and its use, it is very useful to learn Chinese pinyin if you want to play Chinese on the western keyboard.
Although Taiwan dialect is very similar to mandarin, there are some slight differences in speech, spelling and grammatical structure.
If conditions permit, take at least one of your school or local college courses in Chinese, which will help you be more confident and accurate in pronunciation and intonation. Playing these basics will help build a springboard for your future self-study. It is best to ensure that these courses are taught in Chinese rather than English. The English teacher who went to China to teach English was expected to speak English instead of Chinese.
If you need to learn quickly, you can try some software or use small CARDS to memorize quickly before bed.
If you learn some offensive phrases, you can't use them as a joke, because some Chinese curses are very serious.
When you are not sure how to use words, you can consult your native speakers if conditions permit.
If you must use the Internet, remember that what is online isn't always right.
Some people may be more critical and correct you, and that's okay, and that's what you need, because only then can your mistakes be corrected.
方法 3: 把你自己沉浸于汉语语境中
  • 如果你有一个愿意帮助你的说汉语的人,那真的是太棒了!或者,你可以在当地的报纸、网络或者调查中发布广告,看你周围是否有现已存在的汉语交流小组。
  • 路边可能会有中国餐馆。如果那里面有中国人的话,走进去并用汉语同他们打招呼吧!你不需要买他们的食物,你对他们的文化表现出兴趣这件事本身就会让他们感到高兴。
  • 如果你不能在附近找到母语是汉语的人,你可以尝试在Skype上找找。他们可能会愿意用15分钟的汉语对话来交换15分钟的英语对话。
  • 随着住在美国的亚裔人越来越多,很多由志愿者教的课程涌现出来。包括其他费用在内,这些课程收费大概在300-500美元一年。你也可以尝试网上汉语学校。
  • 留心当地大学,学校或者社区中心里的汉语课程广告。
  • 如果你觉得一个人参加汉语课程会紧张的话,可以拉上一个朋友一起去。这样,在课间你就可以收获更多乐趣,并且多了一个可以练习口语的同伴。
  • 如果你感到学习汉语的动力十足的话,你可以尝试经常暂停电影播放,然后重复电影中刚才说的话。这会有助于你学习纯正地道的汉语口音。
  • 如果你买不到中文电影的话,你可以尝试从租电影的商店租一些来看,在这些商店里,常常会有外文专区。或者,你可以看一下当地的图书馆中是否有中文电影,再或者,你可以问他们是否能够为你检索一些资源。
  • 在你的手机中安装一个中文广播软件,这样你就可以随时随地地听了。
  • 你可以下载一些中文的有声播客,然后在做练习或者写作业的过程中听。


  • 不要因为你没时间学习而停滞一天或几周,否则,你就会忘记所有的东西然后重新学起。
  • 贵在坚持!如果你认为你已经掌握的足够多了,你也不要中断复习和学习,否则,你就会忘记你所学的东西。仅仅因为你没有在一周中至少学习汉语4次,你就需要重新学习,这是多么让人沮丧的一件事啊!
  • 在汉语中,语音语调是非常重要的。在开始学习新的词汇之前,你需要拿出额外的一些时间来锻炼音调。比如说,对于母语是英语的人来说,"moo", "moo?" 和 "moo!"听起来并没有本质差别,但是,在汉语中,它们实际上是三个不同的,完全没有联系的词汇。
  • 总的来说,中国人对于他们的文化是相当自豪的,而且乐于帮助别人来学习汉语。所以,不要害怕去向母语是中文的人求助,或是同他们练习对话。
  • 尽管在汉语的拉丁化及其使用方面,观点不一,但是,如果你想在西方的键盘上打中文的话,学习汉语拼音被证明是非常有用的。
  • 尽管台湾话同普通话是非常相似的,但是在发言、拼写和语法结构上还是有一些细微的差别。
  • 如果条件允许的话,至少选修一下你的学校或者当地大学开设的汉语导论课,这有助于帮助你在语音和语调上更自信、更精确。打好这些基础有助于为你日后的自学搭建一个跳板。最好确保这些课程是用中文而不是英文教学。这跟去中国教英语的英语老师被期望说英语而不是汉语一个意思。
  • 如果你需要快速学习的话,你可以尝试一些软件或者在睡前使用小卡片快速记忆。


  • 如果你学到了一些冒犯性的词句,你不能把它们当作玩笑话,随口一说,因为有些中文诅咒是非常严重的。
  • 在你不确定如何使用词汇的时候,如果条件允许的话,你可以向母语是汉语的人请教。
  • 如果你一定要使用网络的话,记住,网上的东西并不总是正确的。
  • 一些人可能会比较挑剔并且纠正你,这没有关系,而且正是你所需要的,因为只有这样你的错误才能被纠正。

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Name:Zhou Jian


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