In this paper:人民网金边6月27日电 (记者 杨牧)我学得越多,就越喜欢汉语,也越觉得中国的魅力不可挡。 江柏利,一位地地道道的柬埔寨人,说着字正腔圆的汉语,颇有演讲范儿地向记者讲述他...
"The more I learn, the more I like Chinese, and the more I feel the charm of China is unstoppable." Jiang, a Cambodian who is "in the middle of the road", speaks Chinese with a full and correct accent, and speaks to reporters about his learning of Chinese.
June 27 is the first day of an interview with the Chinese press corps in Cambodia. The Confucius institute of the royal institute of Cambodia is the first stop of the interview. Coincidentally, just before the reporters arrived in the courtyard, jiang had just received a one-year offer from xiamen university in China. He said he was "really happy with tears".
Like him, he was recommended by the Confucius institute in Cambodia this year, and he was lucky to get a scholarship to China to study in China. Previously, several good Cambodian students have had similar experiences. After returning to China, they are active in all walks of life in Cambodia and become the bridge and bridge of china-cambodia communication.
Chinese is so hot in Cambodia.
The Confucius institute at the royal institute of Cambodia, which was visited today, is not small.
First, the Cambodian Royal Academy is one of the best universities in Cambodia. The Confucius institute, which was inaugurated on December 22, 2009 by vice President xi jinping and Cambodia's deputy prime minister, soan, is the only Confucius institute in Cambodia.
Although it was founded just over six years ago, there are 75 teachers in Confucius institutes and more than 10,000 students in the 2015-2016 academic year.
The director of the Confucius institute at the royal institute of Cambodia, shemenilyr (People's Daily online)
Before the Confucius institutes were opened, few cambodians wanted to go to China, and Japan and South Korea were among the options they were keen to do, said dean shemenehler. The college started with an official class, with 25 people in a class in 2010. "But as more and more Chinese come to Cambodia to do business and travel, cambodians understand the importance of mandarin."
Data show that China is Cambodia's largest foreign investor and an important trading partner. In 2015, China invested $865 million in Cambodia, which is the first country in the country with foreign investment, accounting for 18.62% of the total investment. China visited 695, 000 tourists, ranking second among foreign tourists in Cambodia. In early 2016, Cambodia issued a white paper that aims to attract 2 million Chinese tourists by 2020.
The close economic and trade and personnel exchanges between China and Cambodia have made the shortage of language talents appear gradually, which brings challenges and opportunities to the development of the Confucius institute. It is understood that the Confucius institute of the royal institute of Cambodia has developed from 1 teaching point in 2009 to 14 teaching points, including 3 Confucius classrooms and 11 cultural centers.
The future goal of the institute is to build a global model Confucius institute to enrich the Chinese promotion level of Confucius institutes and to increase the localization and sustainable development of Confucius institutes, said the Chinese President.
"Confucius institutes and various departments of the Cambodian government work together to establish a Chinese center, which not only enables Chinese and Chinese culture to enter the top ranks of Cambodia, but also facilitates the communication and smooth trade between China and Cambodia." Dean said, in addition to officials, Cambodia, people in growing Numbers are beginning to learn Chinese, they think "if is Chinese, can introduce Cambodia to China, so that more investors, tourists would like to come".
"I can't wait to graduate.
As for the original intention of learning Chinese, several Confucius institute students interviewed mentioned their love for Chinese culture.
2015 "Chinese bridge" champion jiang baili of Cambodia (People's Daily online)
"I am just an ordinary college student, different from the Chinese people, different colors, different nationalities, different cultures, but I am deeply in love with China. I hope that one day I can study in China and set foot on this beautiful country and experience her profound and infinite charm. Since 2012, he has been studying Chinese, and in 2015, he gave a very formal reason for winning the title of the Chinese bridge champion in the Chinese bridge. He also wants to "go further".
Another, lai, who is on his way to study abroad, said he loved singing Chinese songs and watching the journey to the west. "I really want to learn Chinese, understand Chinese speech, understand TV series. In the past, there were no Chinese schools in my hometown. After hard work, I came to the Confucius institute in phnom penh and actively participated in the Chinese bridge competition, the Spring Festival gala and so on.
In addition to loving Chinese culture, it is another reason to find a job in Chinese.
Appointed by hanban, now a Cambodia asia-europe Ceng Hailan teacher of university Chinese department director, said Chinese people in Cambodia are very popular, "junior which students didn't idle, can't wait to graduate was picked up.
Zhu hong, a teacher at the Confucius institute, said many companies would contact the college to recommend Chinese students every year. Bank of China, China telecom, travel company, and many factories, all need students of our Chinese department, as managers, translators or tour guides. Some international schools, because of the high cost of teaching Chinese teachers, directly use the Chinese department of excellent students as teachers.
'many Chinese now invest in factories in Cambodia, and it is convenient for them to find jobs and pay higher wages,' said Mr. Bond, who has just returned from studying in China.
Mr. Lai is currently in charge of the Chinese power company in Cambodia, but he decided to study in China after receiving an offer from south China university of technology. He was very happy: "my goal is to improve my Chinese. After studying, I want to be a Chinese teacher. If I have the ability, I want to open my own Chinese school, education, our Chinese descendants in Cambodia, so that they can speak Chinese and understand Chinese culture.
We should make the link and bridge of people-to-people exchanges between China and Cambodia.
In fact, Cambodian students learning Chinese are not unilaterally absorbing Chinese culture. After learning Chinese, they also hope to introduce Cambodian culture to Chinese teachers and students.
"Going to China is my dream from childhood," said Lin, who will study at jiujiang college in jiangxi province. On the one hand, I will try my best to learn Chinese, on the other hand, I will introduce the long history and culture of Cambodia to Chinese students. 'in learning Chinese, I learned about Chinese culture,' Mr. Lai said. I also got to know a lot of teachers in the school. "on the weekends, I will ask them to go around phnom penh and let them know about Cambodian culture."
Mr. Zeng hailan, a native of Cambodia, has deep feelings for Cambodia and is "the second hometown". "I fell in love with it when I studied abroad in 2005. Cambodia is a country with a long history and culture, and has many common and harmonious places with China. She said the people here are very friendly and kind and have a long history of relations with China. "The Chinese people are very respectful of the Chinese people, whether they are senior officials or ordinary people in the market."
2016 is the china-asean education exchange year. China and asean will hold a series of activities to further strengthen education cooperation. Through the link and bridge of Confucius institute, we can deepen the mutual understanding and friendship between China and Cambodia, China and asean countries.
人民网金边6月27日电 (记者 杨牧)“我学得越多,就越喜欢汉语,也越觉得中国的魅力不可挡。” 江柏利,一位“地地道道”的柬埔寨人,说着字正腔圆的汉语,颇有演讲范儿地向记者讲述他学习汉语的故事。

柬埔寨王家研究院孔子学院院长谢莫尼勒 (人民网记者 杨牧 摄)
数据显示,中国是柬埔寨最大的外资投资国和重要贸易伙伴国。2015年,中国以8.65亿美元对柬投资额,高居柬外资来源国首位,占柬投资总额的18.62% 。中国访柬游客69.5万,位列赴柬外国游客第二位。柬埔寨2016年初发布白皮书,表示力争在2020年吸引200万中国游客。

2015年“汉语桥”柬埔寨赛区冠军江柏利 (人民网记者 杨牧 摄)
“我只是一名普通的大学生,与中国人是不同的肤色、不同的民族、不同的文化,但我深深爱上中国。希望有一天可以中国留学,踏上这个美丽国度,亲身感受她的博大精深与无限魅力。” 2012年起学习中文,2015年就获得汉语桥柬埔寨赛区冠军的江柏利给出非常正式的理由。他还希望自己“百尺竿头更进一步”。
将赴江西九江学院留学的林和平表态:“去中国是我从小的梦想。在中国的一年,一方面我会努力学习汉语,另一方面我也会把柬埔寨的悠久历史和文化介绍给中国学生。” 赖业平说,在学习汉语的过程中,了解了中国文化。也认识了很多孔院老师,“周末我会请他们去金边周边,让他们了解柬埔寨文化。”