In this paper:中国在非洲开展意识形态方面的工作向来是观察人士感兴趣的一个话题。随着中国近年来在国际舞台上变得令人瞩目,大家看到的是以威权主义为特点的所谓中国模式。中国正通过政党...
China's ideological work in Africa has always been a topic of interest to observers. As China has become more visible on the international stage in recent years, what you see is the so-called "China model" characterized by authoritarianism. China is by party training plan, and actively advocated in Africa China's model of this new political and economic development, political party training plan will be an important component of China's foreign policy in Africa.
The goal of this training program is to teach Chinese to Africa's party experience in economic development and political management, basically include three aspects: the content of the class of education or training institutions in China; Visit local governments to gain first-hand experience and talk with local officials, farmers and entrepreneurs; Familiarize participants with the cultural training program of traditional Chinese culture.
Not all training is conducted in Beijing. In fact, only the highest level of training is in Beijing, and the more common training for lower-level officials in Africa is usually carried out in local Chinese cities.
The training programs of African political parties in China are less focused on authoritarian management and more on the party's own capabilities and development. Over the past five years, the training program has included the Sudanese national congress party, the Sudan people's liberation movement in south Sudan, the southwest African people's organization in namibia and the South African communist party. The African people's congress of South Africa (anc) and the Chinese communist party signed a memorandum of understanding in 2008 on China's efforts to train the anc. Since then, South Africa has regularly sent the anc high-level training delegation to China. ,
Because of the democratization and multi-party system in African countries, China's party training program is aimed at not only the ruling party, but also the opposition party. For example, as mentioned above, China has provided training to both the communist party of South Africa and the anc. Interestingly, China seems to be taking action to balance the training of the ruling party and the opposition. In December 2015, the ministry of foreign affairs of the CPC central committee invited a non-state training delegation led by the anc to visit China. Six months later, the South African communist party took part in a 10-day similar training program.
China has also expanded its training to include Africa's future political leaders. The young elite received special attention and received training funds from the Chinese government. From 2011 to 2015, China trained more than 200 young African party leaders through the African political party leadership program, which was opened by the central African youth leader BBS. Just last year, China announced a major plan to invite 1,000 such young leaders to China by March 2018.
China says such party training programs are a complete exchange of views, rather than imposing a Chinese model on African countries. China invited African party cadres, in other words, they are interested in learning Chinese in China management way, but they will eventually go China's roads are totally depends on their own judgment. This is certainly an ability to cultivate, but it may be less bullying than the west's ability to train, because China does not regard its experience as the "ultimate truth".
China has vigorously promoted African political parties to experience China's economic success and systematically train them on the subject of China's success. The intention to seek this demonstration effect and to try to help African political parties understand, assimilate and copy China's experience is indeed a strong impetus for another type of ideology. This approach is broad and systemic, and has profound psychological and political implications for the choices and preferences of African political parties.
