In this paper:■Ilkay是中大首位來自史瓦濟蘭的學生。 黎忞 攝 史瓦濟蘭青年看好中國機遇 明年上京學普通話鋪路 香港文匯報訊(記者 黎忞)位於非洲南部的史瓦濟蘭王國(Kingdom of Swaziland),香港...

This is the first student from Swaziland.Li y perturbation
Swaziland is optimistic about China's opportunity to learn mandarin next year.
Hong Kong's wen wei Po (journalist li min) is located in the Kingdom of Swaziland in southern Africa. Hong Kong people know very little about it, but local students come to Hong Kong to study in Hong Kong.Ilkay Olmez, now 21, a native of Swaziland, who attended international schools in high school, has made him fall in love with the place in just a few years.After completing a-level, he went to the United States to study in the United States, and he returned to Hong Kong to continue his studies, and went on to study Chinese studies at cuhk, becoming the only student from Swaziland.He sees opportunities everywhere in China and will spend half a year in Beijing next year to learn mandarin. He hopes to learn more about Chinese culture, build a network and pave the way for future entrepreneurship.
When she was 17 years old, Ilkay followed her family to visit friends and relatives in Hong Kong.He believed that Hong Kong is a modern city, there are a lot of tall buildings, with convenient traffic and life, and "some British buildings, its style and and eighties of the last century of Swaziland is very similar to", it is more to his initiation of the idea of entrance to the harbour.
At that time, harrow Hong Kong international school will officially open in the same year, so the family has applied for admission to the school, and promoted a-level courses.
After getting A full A in a-level, Ilkay left Hong Kong to attend college courses related to business in Boston. However, she found herself in love with Hong Kong.After a semester, he returned to Hong Kong and was promoted as an international student in the first grade of contemporary Chinese studies.
He believes that in Hong Kong, the Chinese language and culture can be experienced from daily life and study, so he has chosen to return to Hong Kong to continue his studies.
Although he studied in Hong Kong, he did not know much about Chinese culture, and he did not speak or write Chinese. Why did he choose to study in China?He said he thought it would be a good choice to start a business in Hong Kong because his family was in business and opportunities were everywhere.In addition to his unique growth background, he believes that development in China also has its advantages.
It takes time to learn Chinese.
His admission for almost a year, although the course content is given priority to with English, don't have to face the problem of the language, but compared to local students, but he will start over to know Chinese history and culture, and challenging.
Times is the foundation of the mandarin course now, he admitted that learning Chinese is very difficult, which is different from study general subjects, "subject test and test or can be in on the night before a last-minute person, but to spend more time on learning languages and time."This summer, he will enroll in extra mandarin classes at the university to consolidate his level and will go to Peking University in January for a half-year intensive mandarin course.
At present, his putonghua level is still in the initial stage and can be introduced briefly.The local mandarin teacher also wrote his name, Ilkay, as "Yikai" in mandarin.
, he says, more communication is the best way to learn the language, to Beijing, the locals may not speak good English, speak quickly, also therefore Ilkay think this is a good opportunity, "forced me to learn mandarin as soon as possible."
In addition to learning mandarin, you can also network.
He expected completion of short courses, enhance the level of the mandarin, also its broad vision, and networking, paving the way for the future, "the course more than I learn about Chinese history, economy and policy, the knowledge of the respect, also have the opportunity to learn Chinese, for I can have a rich harvest."
He stressed that he cherishes and enjoys the opportunity to study in Hong Kong, so he will redouble his efforts in his studies.He also pointed out that as an international student, he knows a lot of Hong Kong, the mainland to exchange students from around the world, which is also a lot of people became his good friend, so that his feelings for Hong Kong.
■Ilkay是中大首位來自史瓦濟蘭的學生。 黎忞 攝
史瓦濟蘭青年看好中國機遇 明年上京學普通話鋪路
香港文匯報訊(記者 黎忞)位於非洲南部的史瓦濟蘭王國(Kingdom of Swaziland),香港人對其認識甚少,但就有當地學生專程來港升學。現年21歲的土耳其裔Ilkay Olmez,在史瓦濟蘭土生土長,高中時來港就讀國際學校,短短數年已令他愛上這地方。原本完成A-Level後到美國升學,其間他回心轉意返港繼續學業,並升讀中大當代中國研究課程,成為該校唯一來自史瓦濟蘭的學生。他認為中國機遇處處,明年更會用半年時間到北京學習普通話,期望可深入了解中國文化,建立人際網絡,為未來創業鋪路。
學中文困難 需心機時間
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