In this paper:学中文改变了前程 黄汝辉(泰国)留学账单(人民币) 第一年培训费:1.3万元。 两年硕士生: 1.4万/年。 租房:1000多元/月。 生活费:节省哦,每月控制在1000元内。 偶尔旅游:大理、丽江...
Learning Chinese changed the future.
Huang ruhui (Thailand) study abroad bill (RMB)
First year training fee: 13,000 yuan.
Two-year master degree: 14,000 / year.
Rent: 1000 yuan/month.
Cost of living: saved, controlled within 1000 yuan per month.
Occasional travel: Dali, lijiang, banna, etc.
Huang ruhui (Thailand)
Huang ruhui (Thailand)
Two years ago, Huang Ruhui finished in yunnan normal university graduate student, now, in the Thai consulate general in kunming was the director of business information service center, specializing in business communication between China and Thailand and service work. "My family is Chinese," he said in Chinese. "if I don't speak any Chinese, I'm not a qualified Chinese." He laughed, and eight years ago he made up his mind to learn Chinese well, "because I want to be a real Chinese." Initially, Huang Ruhui in Thailand for a language training center to learn Chinese, he confidently to learn Chinese well, "said at that time the people around you are against me, my English is not very good, is it too difficult to learn Chinese?" At that time, Thai students were eager to learn English and Japanese, because many people wanted to study in Europe, America and Japan. But huang ruhui listened to his grandparents' hometown -- the story of shantou in China. He believes that studying in China is the best option.
Coincidentally, in the language training center met from kunming, are learning Thai, sister and brother Huang Ruhui became good friends with them, to see his sister and brother to learn Chinese ecstasy, and recommended him to kunming. Before coming to kunming, huang ruhui had studied Chinese for three years at the language training center, but his spoken English was not smooth. In kunming, he attended a one-year training course, then passed the linguistics and applied linguistics of yunnan normal university. Mr. Huang said he wanted to return to Thailand as a Chinese teacher after graduation, but he was hired by the Thai consulate general in kunming. When the consul general attended the foreign affairs activities, he often became the Chinese interpreter beside the consul general.
"When I came to study in yunnan, there were not 50 Thai students. Now, there may be more than 2,000 students studying in Thailand. Huang ruhui regrets. He has been in kunming for five years and has found some new changes every year when he returns to Thailand. "The international language of primary school and middle school is English only. Now some primary schools have Chinese classes, and even Bangkok department stores have Chinese training centers. Chinese also has the test level, the highest level is 11, now, huang ruhui has reached 9.
Sell Chinese goods to Cambodia.
Mo kun fa, liu mingkang and Chen fuxing (Cambodia)
Overseas study bill (RMB)
Tuition: about 10,000 yuan per year if free.
Cost of living: about 1000 yuan/month.
Home fare: the air ticket is about 2,000 yuan, and the two vacations are arranged to go back home, which is about 5000 yuan.
Li wenlian (top left), ye suzhen (bottom left), liu mingkang (top right) and mokun fa (bottom right)
Mo kunfa, liu mingkang and Chen fuxing are the Chinese names of the three Cambodian handsome men, who were helped by yunnan teachers.
In 2008, after graduating from Cambodia's minsheng middle school, he went to yunnan university of finance and economics, where his teacher told him: "in Cambodia, I can't find a good job in my mother tongue." The words touched him. "I want to study finance and work in the banking industry."
Students in Cambodia go abroad to study abroad, followed by South Korea, China and Vietnam. Mo kun's cousin, cousin, is now studying in the United States and France. Mokun chose to study in China because "Chinese companies have a lot to do with Cambodia." Nowadays, there are many Chinese companies to start a company of Cambodia, in the eyes of some Cambodian youths, these foreign companies from China, working environment is good, to learn Chinese, is the chance to work for the Chinese. In addition, China's economy is developed, "studying here can learn a lot of knowledge in the financial field".
In kunming, there are not many students from Cambodia, but yunnan university and yunnan university of finance and economics have their own figures. Thanks to the cooperation between Cambodia and education in yunnan, these students can get some government scholarships more or less. However, the government scholarship is not an application, and mo kun has a good academic record, so he is very happy to get the full scholarship.
Another handsome man, liu mingkang, also won a government scholarship. He was also a graduate student in yunnan province, majoring in business administration. In his view, "yunnan university of finance and economics has a higher degree than some Cambodian universities."
Liu mingkang's plan for his future is: "after graduation, he will come to China to buy things to sell in Cambodia and do a good job in trade between the two countries." To this end, he, like other Cambodian students, studied very hard and rarely went out, but had the opportunity to "go to Beijing and see the Great Wall".
And Chen Fuxing, slightly shy of the Cambodian boy came to China since 2008, has been rich in yunnan asean institute majoring in business administration for two years, he studied hard in the weekdays, "no lesson of time I will read in the library, or in the dormitory surfing the Internet". As for the future, his plan is clear: after graduation, he plans to return to the Chinese company in Cambodia to develop his professional skills in Chinese and business administration.
Find a good job back home.
Li wenlian (Laos)
Overseas study bill (RMB)
Tuition fee: free (full scholarship provided by the Chinese government), savings of 13,000 yuan per year.
Cost of living: about 1400 yuan/month. Besides, going home is a big expense.
Like to buy books: about 200 yuan a month.
Li wenlian (Laos)
Li wenlian (Laos)
There may be more Lao students in guangxi and fujian than in yunnan. But the number of Laotian students in yunnan is nearly 1,000 in 2009. Li wenlian in a clean and refreshing sportswear, fluent in Chinese. It is easy to mistake her for a Chinese student if she is not careful. This year, it is the third year for the outgoing Lao girl to come to yunnan. She is from a Chinese family. She has been studying Chinese since she was six years old. Lao du public school, a Chinese language school affiliated to vientiane, Laos, can read from kindergarten to high school, so li wenlian has been studying Chinese for 14 years.
Ms. Li likes sports, which has helped her make a good team of friends, including foreign students from other countries and Chinese students.
For her future, the seemingly careless 20-year-old has a clear plan. After graduation, she is going to apply for further study in China. After that, she will return to her Alma mater to teach Chinese for 5 years, based on the terms of the school. After that, enter China's foreign company in Laos? Well, one of the good job options.
Staying in China is not easy
Ye suzhen (Vietnam) overseas study bill (RMB)
Tuition fee: free (RMB 18,000 yuan per year). Cost of living: about 1000 yuan/month. Clothing: buy near the school, save money, occasionally go to nanping street to buy.
Ye suzhen (Vietnam)
Ye suzhen (Vietnam)
In the southeast Asian countries of yunnan, there are a large number of students from Vietnam, only after Thailand. If you can get a government scholarship, you can save up to 18,000 yuan a year. How much can you save in four years?
She has been in kunming for three years. When she first came, she could only say some simple greetings. Now, she has been able to deal with the people in yunnan smoothly. One day, ye suzhen also had a dream, "dream of my Chinese, English intersect, not a bit of chaos. I woke up with a laugh.
This is in the process of language learning, have to face a reality, Ye Suzhen would be easy to made this mistake, if you learn English and learn Chinese synchronized, head will be disorderly, don't know how to express. "So I've been studying Chinese all these years."
Come to yunnan to study, ye suzhen is for the climate, "close to my home, the climate is good, but came to find some dry, but slowly adapt, much cooler than Vietnam. I like, like 1 because she was seized with the idea of leaving, however, "I hear students say, it is very difficult for Chinese college students after graduation to find a job, their Chinese is better than me, I don't competitive in China, only to return its advantage."
Ms. Ye's plan is to return to China after graduation to study English for two years, but she plans to go to work in a Chinese company that invests more. In her eyes, the Chinese company is big and imposing, which is worthy of professional passion.
两年硕士生: 1.4万/年。

“我刚来云南留学时,泰国学生还没有50名。现在,在云南的泰国留学生可能已经超过2000人。” 黄汝辉感慨。来昆明已经5年了,每年回泰国时,他都发现了一些新变化。“以前小学、中学的国际语言只有英语,现在有的小学开中文课了,连曼谷百货大楼都设有中文培训中心。中文也有考级,最高级为11级,如今,黄汝辉已经达到了9级。
生活费: 1000元左右/月。
柬埔寨的学子,若出国留学,去美国的最多,其次是韩国、中国、越南。莫坤发的表弟、表妹,如今就分别在美国、法国留学。莫坤发选择到中国留学,因为“中国企业与柬埔寨联系很多。” 如今,也有不少中国企业到柬埔寨开公司,在一些柬埔寨年轻人的眼里,这些来自中国的外资公司,工作环境不错,学好中文,就有到这些中国公司工作的机会。此外,中国经济发达,“在这里留学,可以学到金融领域的很多学问”。
生活费: 1400元左右/月。此外,回家是一笔不小的开支。

叶素贞(越南) 留学账单(人民币)
学费:免费(每年免1.8万元)。生活费: 1000元左右/月。服装:到学校附近买,比较省钱,偶尔去南屏街买。

来云南留学,叶素贞是冲着气候来的,“离我家近,气候好,但来了后发现有些干燥,但是慢慢适应了,比越南凉爽多了。我喜欢1 因为喜欢,她曾经萌生了留下的念头,然而,“我听到同学说,中国大学生毕业后找工作都很难,他们的中文比我好,我就不要在中国争强好胜了,只有回国发挥长处了。”