Major | Type | Scholarship | School charge | Application fee | Material |
Nursing, medicine, Chinese medicine acupuncture and massage,obsterics, animal medicine, international trade, business management, tourism management, restaurant, garden technology, Chinese furniture design and manufacturing, urban management, aquaculture technology, food and drug administration, electromagnet integration, automobile maintenance technology, digital media technology, mobile network technology, electrical automation technology, e-commerce, computer technology, financial management, accounting, logistics management, navigation, Marine engineering, Marine electrical, railway traffic management, road and bridge engineering, construction engineering technology, applied chemistry, art design, Chinese language, music performance, international finance, pharmaceutical testing, agronomy, horticulture, clinical medicine… |
three years of college ,partial scholarship , Chinese 1year Chinese 2 year major |
No tuition, no dormitory fee |
Insurance fee 600 RMB,visa fee 400 RMB, books fee 500 RMB, inspection fee 300 RMB,(there are few schools charge more) |
2000-2500 RMB |
passport, school certificate, the transcript, application form For full scholarship, you need to add : no criminal record certificate, 2 recommendations of senior staff in school, medical certificate. |
专业 Major | 类型 Type | 奖学金Scholarship | 学校收费School charge |
报名服务费 Service fee |
报名材料 Material |
护理、药学、中医针灸推拿、助产、动物医学、国际贸易、工商管理、旅游管理、中国餐饮、园林技术、家具设计与制造、城市管理、水产养殖技术、药品管理、机电一体化、汽车维修技术、数字媒体技术、移动网络技术、电气自动化技术、电子商务、计算机技术、财务管理、会计、物流管理、航海技术、轮机工程技术、船舶电子电气、轨道交通管理、道路桥樑工程、建筑工程技术、应用化学技术、艺术设计、汉语言、音乐表演、国际金融、药品检测、农学园艺﹑临床医学,,,,,,待续 |
大专3年 全额奖学金 中文 1年学中文、2年学专业 |
免3年学费 免3年宿舍费 |
保险费600 RMB 签证400 RMB 书本费500 RMB 体检费300 RMB 个别学校会多些 |
2000-2500 RMB |
护照、高中毕业证书或学校证明、成绩单﹑报名表 如果申请全额奖学金,还需 增加以下报名材料:无犯罪记录证明﹑学校高级人员2个推荐信、体检表 |