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How to attract foreign students to China under China's great

Author: huihui Time:2018-01-23 14:04 Source:未知
In this paper:来华留学将可以成为开放人才政策的突破口,加快实现经济转型、平稳进入经济新常态;甚至可以结交更多外国青年友人、培养未来政治领袖,助力我国构建大国外交的蓝图。 近年来,...

Studying in China will be a breakthrough in the policy of opening up talents, speeding up the economic transition and smoothly entering the "new normal" of the economy. We can even make more foreign friends, train future political leaders, and help build the blueprint for China's diplomacy.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of students studying abroad, returning to China and studying in China. Behind the vigorous development of overseas study is the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength and the promotion of global status, but the scale of study abroad is unbalanced in both "input" and "output". According to OECD statistics, international students account for the proportion of the total number of students enrolled in education, which is more than 8% in developed countries, and even more than 10% in Australia and the UK. The proportion of foreign students studying degrees in China is only about 0.4%, with huge growth.
At the end of last year on central committee and the state council held a national work conference on study abroad, our country put forward for the first time China "study abroad and study abroad", attach importance to the students is also a great diplomatic strategy is an important part of China. Studying in China will be a breakthrough in the policy of opening up talents, speeding up the economic transition and smoothly entering the "new normal" of the economy. We can even make more foreign friends, train future political leaders, and help build the blueprint for China's diplomacy.
Throughout the international, countries were allowed to outstanding foreign students to stay in the domestic employment, is the world common worldwide to practice, and even called to attract international talent "bottom line". The foreign students are more familiar with the national conditions than the foreign ones who are directly imported. Compared with the local talents, the foreign students have saved the cost of education training and brought education to the foreign exchange. As a result, many countries consider recruiting foreign students as an important means of supplementing human resources, providing scholarships or grants conditionally and facilitating visas and immigration. At present not only the United States, Britain and other western developed countries for international students to retain, as Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea and Singapore are also intensify efforts to attract foreign students in their employment.
How can more and better attract overseas students to China?
First, relax the internship policy of outstanding graduates in China, and allow outstanding foreign students to work and live in China. According to our current policy of studying abroad, foreign students can not work or start a business directly in our country after graduation. To a certain extent, it has blocked the "seedlings" of foreign talents with innovative entrepreneurial potential. It is necessary to follow the trend of international flow of talents and release the restrictions on the employment and entrepreneurship of outstanding foreign students in China.
We can establish the "world excellent youth internship program" by referring to international practices. One is to reform the rules of the students practice in China, to allow international students during the period of China, for work or internship, work week limit time, holding the student certificate, do not need to apply for a work visa separately. 2 it is to let go of the international students learning during the internship visa to China, where famous university student admitted by ministry of education, practice can apply for a work visa for half a year to year, automatically terminate after graduation.
Second, reform the education system and promote the modernization of education in China. China's higher education should complete Chinese education to security administration, improve the system of universities according to the principal, the department of education to return to academic, scientific, standard, and gradually turn China into a worldwide academic research center and international talent; We will optimize the curriculum, reform education, and cultivate innovative talents with multiple levels and fields. Principals and teachers at the university of international, global recruiting is a very common phenomenon, the leader of Chinese universities should also be looking for in the global scope, get leadership with international competitiveness, improve the management level of the school.
Third, increase international language teaching courses and train international teachers. The internationalization of teaching language and the internationalization of teachers' team are the objective needs of the cultivation of talents in China. One of the important reasons why our country cannot attract overseas students is that China is a non-english country and lacks full English teaching courses. Foreign students come to China to study, and most of them have to learn language first, which makes them more difficult to learn. Finally, the implementation of special plans and demonstration projects to attract international students. In 2010, China's ministry of education implemented the China plan for studying abroad. The plan is the first Chinese program to attract foreign students. The plan sets the goal of absorbing half a million Chinese students in China by 2020. Under the plan, can be modeled on Japan's Global30 plan, select a key university in China, establishing demonstration project of higher education internationalization, funding targets and universities increase attract students teaching and life hardware facilities, the introduction of foreign teachers, courses in the whole English teaching, etc.

再次,增加国际语言授课课程、培养国际化师资队伍。教学语言国际化和教师队伍国际化是我国人才国际化培养的客观需要。我国不能吸引海外留学生的一个重要原因,就是我国为非英语国家,又缺乏全英语教学课程。外国留学生到中国学习,多数要先学习语言,加大了他们的学习难度。  最后,实施吸引留学生的专项计划和示范工程。2010年,中国教育部实施了《留学中国计划》。该计划是中国颁布的第一个吸引留学生的计划。计划设定了到2020年,中国吸收50万在华留学生的目标。在此计划框架下,可以仿照日本的Global30计划,挑选国内重点大学,建立高等教育国际化示范工程,资助目标院校增加吸引留学生的教学和生活硬件设施、引进外籍教师、开设全英语教学课程等。

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