China's job

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To apply for employment in China, foreigners who come to study in China must meet the following conditions:
(1) with an age of 18 years, with valid passports, certificates and visas;
(2) I have the skills and expertise necessary for the job I will be engaged in;
(3) the employment of foreigners will be engaged in work is hiring unit with special needs of the remuneration, not the kind of work, and this kind of work by foreigners as not in violation of the provisions of relevant state policies and laws;
(4) foreigners who come to China to study abroad cannot apply for employment during the study period. If the employment must be approved by the state education commission, it should be processed.
Application and approval:
Foreigners came to China to study abroad in China employment, by unit of choose and employ to labor and personnel department or its authorized of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the labor, human affairs hall (bureau) put forward a written application, approval to the employment permit.
Requirements and precautions.
(1) the employment application is approved, employment unit shall conclude an employment contract and employment, contract content must conform to the relevant laws and regulations, Chinese government copies of the employment contract must be the original approval organ for the record.
(2) the license for foreigners to obtain employment in China is valid for one year, and the employment unit must be consistent with the registered employment unit of the employment license. Upon the expiration of the employment period, the employer shall return the employment license to the original license issuing authority within 10 days after the departure of the foreigner. If the period of validity or alteration of the employment license is to be extended, the applicant shall apply to the original issuing authority for processing or alteration procedures. Employment permits can only be extended once, and not more than a year. After the extension or alteration of the employment license, it shall go to the public security organ for the alteration procedure.
来中国留学的外国人申请在中国就业,必须符合下列条件:   (1)年龄满18周岁,持有有效的护照、证件和签证;   (2)本人具有将要从事的工作所必需的技能和专业知识;   (3)受聘雇的外国人将要从事的工作是聘雇单位有特殊需要非该受聘者不能进行的某种工作,并且这种工作由外国人担任不违反国家有关政策和法律规定;   (4)来中国留学的外国人在学习期间不能申请就业,如果就业必须是经国家教委同意办理了退学手续的。 申请和批准: 来中国留学的外国人在中国就业,由聘雇单位向劳动、人事部或其授权的省、自治区、直辖市劳动、人事厅(局)提出书面申请,经批准后发给就业许可证。    要求和注意事项   (1)外国人就业申请被批准后,聘雇单位应当与受聘雇者签订聘雇合同,合同内容必须符合中国政府有关法律法规,聘雇合同副本必须交原批准机关备案。   (2)外国人在中国就业的许可证有效期为一年,其就职单位与就业许可证的注册聘雇单位必须一致。就业期满后,聘雇单位要在外国人离职后10日内将就业许可证退交原发证机关。如需延长就业许可证的有效期或变更聘雇单位,应向原发证机关申请办理或变更手续。就业许可证只能延期一次,并且不得超过一年。就业许可证延期或变更后,应到公安机关办理居因变更手续。  

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Name:Zhou Jian





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