合作办学Cooperation in running schools
中国本科大学在外国大学设立分校,招收1+3(外国大学1年、中国大学3年)、2+2(外国大学2年、中国大学2年)、3+1(外国大学3年、中国大学1年)的外国留学生。Chinese universities set up branches abroad, enrolling overseas students who take the course of 1+3(one year abroad and three years in China), 2+2 (two years abroad and two years in China ), and 3+1 ( three year abroad and one-year university in China)
中国大专学院在外国大专学院设立分校,招收1+2(外国学院1年,中国学院2年)、2+1(外国学院2年,中国学院1年)、1+2+2(外国学院1 年,中国学院2年,中国本科大学2年)的外国留学生。
Chinese college set up branches abroad, enrolling overseas students who take the course of 1+2(one year abroad and two years in China), 2+1 (two years abroad and one years in China ), and 1+2+2 (one year abroad and two-year college plus two-year university in China)
Language schools ( mainly teaching Chinese ) could be founded abroad. Anyone or corporation of education having plans of running Chinese learning institution could contact us and we might support and invest in case.
Anyone could be employed by our company and get the Corresponding pay if he ( she) could cooperate with us in successfully running schools showed above.