合作我们Cooperation with us
国内Homeland cooperation
我们从江苏省起步,已与15所高校建立了合约式合作关系,立足为江苏省187所高校的国际交流与合作提供服务。同时,我们非常愿意与全国范围的高校建立联系和长久合作关系,只要你有需求,我们就可以手牵手。Started with Jiangsu province, we have already built Contractual partnership with 15 colleges and universities in mainland China. We aim at offering service for the international interaction and cooperation of 187 colleges and universities in Jiangsu province. Besides,we are ready to build connection and long-term cooperation with more colleges and universities nationally whoever has demands.
国外International cooperation
我们从印度尼西亚起步,已在20个国家建立了35个办事处或招生点,涉及到印度尼西亚、越南、柬埔寨、缅甸、老挝、泰国、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、印度、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、南亚、刚果、加纳、坦桑民亚、民日利亚、委内瑞拉、阿根廷、巴西。2016年招收了312名外国留学生,分别来自其中的13个国家。我们非常愿意在更多的国家和地区新设办事处,让更多的外国学校与中国学校实行合作,让更多的外国学生享受中国的优质教育。只要外国的你愿意加入,我们就可以手牵手。Started with Indonesia,we have set up 35 Admission Offices in 20 countries, including Indonesia, Vietnam, Kampuchea, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, South Asia, Congo, Tanzania, Garner, Leah, Min Min of Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil. We enrolled 312 foreign students from 13 countries among the above in the year 2016. We are willing to set up new Admission offices in more countries and regions, so that more foreign schools could make cooperation with schools in China, welcoming more foreign students toget access to China's superior education. As long as you are willing to join us, we are looking forward to working hand in hand.