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Get out of the country走出本国的圈子

Author: Time:2018-01-23 11:48 Source:未知
In this paper:走出本国的圈子 留学中国已成为各国学生的向往。本人凭多年与留学生交往的经验,深深感到:来中国留学的学生,需要走出本国的圈子,在留学时期去融入中国人群、去参与中国的社...




Decided to Choose This Country

Study to China has become the choice a lot of foreign students. According my experience i have get from communicate with foreign students : foreign students who come to China need a adapt to Chinese daily life, participate to Chinese group, and socialize with Chinese people. Not only learn about Chinese language or school lesson, the important think is must understand about Chinese culture, understand how to communicate with Chinese people, and how to business with Chinese people.





留学中国硕士、博士研究生有所不同。中国的大学录取时,就要求申请硕士或博士学习的学生,已经具备中文HSK 5级水平;如果是英文授课,要求英文雅思6级水平。很多学生不具备语言成绩,需要单独学习汉语。入学时的中文起点不同,学习效果就大不相同。


Learn Chinese Language Before Come to China

Better if you learn Chinese language in your country of origin, les fees of Chinese language also very cheap. When you has arrived in China, when the other students learn Chinese language, you can communicate with the teacher, or directly study your majors, sometimes become a translator can make have a lot of experience.

Study in China universites 3 or 4 years, usually in the first year must learn about Chinese language. When the registration there is no requirement can speak Chinese, however learn Chinese language for 1 year is not enough, especially in the second year will studied about the major will difficult to understand it.

However if for Magister or Phd in Chinese, they will ask you for HSK 5, if the course use English language, they will ask you for TOEFL 6. A lot of students can't speak Chinese and must learning it self. If how to learn Chinese language is different, the the result also not same.






Psychological Preparation is More Important than Finance Preparation

Studying to other country is not only about how to learn the language, also need prepare your psychological, choose personal purpose. Many parents think if it's enough if we give a lot of money surely all will be good. But psychological is more tha important, choosing what majors, purpose of study, or developments in the future. Should be considered, can't be arbitrarily. Become a foreign students, through definitely 3 steps. The first one is learn Chinese language, the second one is learn the major for 2 or 3 years, and follow Chinese culture activity, and the third one is graduation and preparation after it. Each steps should be adjusted with personal person.





Life in this world is Greatest Challenge

Life in this world is greatest challenge for foreign students, adjust to the new environment, how as soon as possible in order to adapt. I have found a lot of student which has successful adapt, study together, and playing together with Chinese student. If not like that, then there is no significant progress. If from the first year can communicate though difficult include learning. Communicate with other countries actually can exchange opinions, different perspective, there is also a more relented and reduced communicate.






All of Three Steps Adjusted With Chinese Daily Life

Foreign students entering into their choice, directly is the steep for maturation self. All of foreign students basically through of phase of consideration, confused to combine 3 steps, the first phase is something new, very interesting, come to the new world, realized a lot of things are not the same. The second phase is began to feel the difference with Chinese culture, if you can't adjust, then the next will be more difficult and boring. And the last phase is have found a suitable place for him is probably the same as the perspective of Chinese culture or have found other life concept, all is the maturing process.





Learning Arises from The Willingness Yourself

According a students, study is not only limited in the library, in the internet, through a friend, learn from teacher, or from so many friends. Typical of these people receive much more science.Although culture is the most important, but humans are the most important resource. Become a foreign students is learn how to communicate, communicate in different culture. If only learn in the class room, then there is no different with study in your origin country. In a very short time, when there is a chance joined in Chinese social activity, adding new knowledge, the ultimate goal is not to get good grades at school.

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Name:Zhou Jian


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